The Simple, proven approach to

scale your

as a financial professional


Zero Risk. No strings attached. We want to PROVE to you how valuable it is.

Scale your Business as a Financial Advisor

What's the value of your best client?

...and how many of them do you have?

The Key to Scaling as a Financial Advisor

CRB (Client Relation Builder) is a brand new app to help Financial Advisors have...

...and actually SCALE their business.

Client Relation Builder for Financial Professionals

"CRB has been a game changer for our team! It helps us be laser focused on the most important people, at the most important times. I finally found a program to help me easily segment, and send me text messages and emails to remind me and my staff of key touch points. It's like having another staff member for basically free."

- Jonathan Marsh, FIC, CFFM, CLF
Regional Director | Investment Advisor Representative


...because is you don't grasp THIS, you'll probably waste enormous amounts of time, struggle to gain traction in your business, and live in constant frustration personally.

80%-90% of our Business comes from our TOP CLIENTS.


Most Advisors aren't Clear about who those Top Clients ARE. [segmentation is the first step]


Most Advisors don't intentionally build Relational Equity with their Top Clients. The Top Advisors in the World increase their REVENUE by increasing their RELATIONSHIPS.


Lack of Referrals. Since advisors fail to Identify their Top Clients and intentionally build Relational Equity with them, referrals are Random at BEST.

CRB helps you do all this!

#1: Easily Segment & Identify your TOP CLIENTS

Finally!!! An easy way to segment!

Play Video about Segmentation - Clients - Financial Advisors

#2: Setup Automated TEXT Reminders

...for important days such as Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Account Reviews. Become the "most thoughtful" advisor & build Relational Equity.

#3: Increase Retention & Referrals from your Top Clients

As you intentionally connect with your Top Clients, they'll not only STAY with you, but they'll naturally send more people your way.

If you're in the Sales Business,
you're actually in the RELATIONSHIP Business.

The KEY to SCALING your business as a Financial Advisor is to Build Strong Relationships with your TOP CLIENTS.
CRB was built specifically to be your personal assistant in building strong relationships.
It's like a free assistant!

After your free 60-day trial, it's $37/month (less than $450/year).
One extra sale more than covers the cost to have the most reliable assistant ever for the next 10 years!

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Spouse & Kids Birthdays, Account Reviews, Random Acts of Kindness, etc.

A Life where you...


60-Days Free, then only $37/month.
We’ll even personally set up your account and help get you moved in (at no cost).

Here's how it works...

CRB is your Personal "Rememberer"

NEW in the Business???

"It's easy to walk away from a Business.
It's hard to walk away from a FRIEND."

Cultivating great relationships is the very best assurance
that your best clients will remain your clients long term.

That's EXACTLY what CRB was created to help you do.

Want to SCALE even MORE?

Scale as a Financial Advisor
To scale your business, YOU need to focus on your TOP CLIENTS.
But... What about ALL your clients?
What about the B's & C's?
Answer: Associates & Jr. Advisors
With CRB, you can Segment your clients into groups (A, B, C) -
Then add your associates, and assign the B's & C's to them!
Add as many team members as you want!
You've probably heard this concept, but it's always been hard to execute.
Add your team and let CRB handle the details.
YOU get Reminders for your Top Clients - THEY get Reminders for the others.