Refund Policy

You may cancel your subscription anytime during the first 3 days and receive a full refund. Also, if there has been no activity within the account, we will issue a refund within the first 30 days. Subscriptions may be canceled at any time but you will not receive a refund unless canceled within the allotted time described above.

Once you have canceled, your database will be suspended, but available to be reactivated in the future up to 12 months from the cancellation date. To reactivate your account database, you will need to renew your subscription.

Cancellations may be made by sending us a message HERE. Cancellations must be done in accordance with our Terms. Your cancellation must be received by end of business (5:00 pm Central Time) on the appropriate day as described above to be eligible for any refund. All refunds will be given to the original credit card on which the purchase was made. Please allow a reasonable time for the refund to reach you or be charged back to your account.